
My name is Maurizio Malangone.
I am 59 years old. I was born in Salerno, a city situated in the Campania region of southern Italy where I continue living to this day.
I have been in love with photography for many years, my passion for taking pictures began when I was 9 years old and by the age of 15 I received my first SLR camera.
Over the years my equipment has evolved from a simple SLR to the more professional Digital Canon equipment I currently use (for more information regarding equipment see my Biography page).
In 2007 I had the honor of attending the Canon Academy where I was able to increase my artistic capabilities and gain some very useful knowledge.
I love art and how each one has its own expression, especially photography, music, painting, poetry and movies. I am also a musician playing the keyboard, piano and guitar.
In my spare time I enjoy writing my own music and lyrics and love every minute of it.
At the moment I am a free-lance photographer. Many sources define photography as "an expression of representations." As a professional free-lance photographer I have many opportunities to express myself through my work. I continue to study this art and all of its fascinating forms. I feel that each time I pick up my camera to capture a moment I am broadening my creativity and artistic horizons.

I dedicate this website to my Daddy Renato that transmitted to me the passion for the photography and music

Fax Number

+39 08931152498


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